We are a small group of central coast folks who love to talk about astrology! We enjoy learning from each other, hearing personal experiences so that we can understand the meaning of the astrological symbols. We take turns leading presentations, because all of us grow even more when we share what we are learning.
Astrology is a VAST field, NO ONE knows it all, please don't be shy, give us a try!

Meeting...Tuesday, September 20th, 6:30-8:30pm

Bring your natal charts. If you do not have one...
email Roberta with date, time, place: rjsoules@charter.net

Please join us at Coast National Bank Community Room
(500 Marsh Street - San Luis Obispo)

Autumn Equinox - Friday 23, September 2011

The seasons of the year are caused

by the 23.5ยบ tilt of the earth's axis.

Almost exactly halfway between the winter and summer

solstice is the time of the autumn equinox.

It is one of two times during the year when the day

and night are almost exactly 12 hours long, and

very close to being equal to each other.

Astrologically it is associated with the sign Libra...

Balance is the key for this time of year.

Reflect on how to balance

personal needs with commitments to others.


P.O.Box 81 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

805-546-3420 sloastrologers@aol.com

"A touchstone to determine the actual worth of an "intellectual," is to find out how he feels about astrology."
~ Robert Heinlein

Next Meeting...Tuesday, September 6th, 6:30-8:30pm

Please join us at

Coast National Bank Community Room

(500 Marsh Street - San Luis Obispo)

SLO Astrologers

P.O.Box 81 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

805-546-3420 sloastrologers@aol.com
