We are a small group of central coast folks who love to talk about astrology! We enjoy learning from each other, hearing personal experiences so that we can understand the meaning of the astrological symbols. We take turns leading presentations, because all of us grow even more when we share what we are learning.
Astrology is a VAST field, NO ONE knows it all, please don't be shy, give us a try!

Please note new meeting time:Tuesday, January 17th, 6:00-7:30pm

P.O.Box 81 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
Please note new meeting time: Next Tuesday, January 17th, 6:00-7:30pm
Author and speaker, Robert Sachs,
will explore this new Water Dragon Year and its significance, plus the
Nine Star Forecasts for 2012...
He will also plot everyone on the chart for the year ahead. Seating is limited. Please arrive early.
Where: Coast National Bank Community Room
(500 Marsh Street - San Luis Obispo)
SLO Astrologers Meeting...
Tuesday, January 3rd, 6:00-7:30pm

Roberta will speak on the transits for 2012 followed by an open discussion.

Bring your natal charts.
Coast National Bank Community Room

(500 Marsh Street - San Luis Obispo)

SLO Astrologers /
805-546-3420 /sloastrologers@aol.com