We are a small group of central coast folks who love to talk about astrology! We enjoy learning from each other, hearing personal experiences so that we can understand the meaning of the astrological symbols. We take turns leading presentations, because all of us grow even more when we share what we are learning.
Astrology is a VAST field, NO ONE knows it all, please don't be shy, give us a try!

Next Meeting...
Tuesday, June 19th - 6:00 - 7:30pm

Dr. Margaret Camuso will host the first of our educational series.
She will cover an introduction to astrology including...
1) A brief summary of the history of astrology
2) A brief review of the astrological ages
3) Some astrology tidbits
4) Short exercises reviewing the elements, the qualities, and the hemispheres

There will be a new moon in Gemini.
How perfect is that for starting this new class series!
SLO Astrologers will have a booth at the
Summer Solstice Eco Expo & Green Mixer on Thursday, June 21st
from 5:30 to 7:30pm at Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa. Stop by to say "hello."
6/19 Meeting at - Coast National Bank Community Room
(500 Marsh Street - San Luis Obispo)