We are a small group of central coast folks who love to talk about astrology! We enjoy learning from each other, hearing personal experiences so that we can understand the meaning of the astrological symbols. We take turns leading presentations, because all of us grow even more when we share what we are learning.
Astrology is a VAST field, NO ONE knows it all, please don't be shy, give us a try!

Guidelines for Attendees:

1) Confidentiality: Personal information discussed at meetings, including birth charts, may not be shared outside the group setting without permission of individual involved. Giving your birth date is optional, and the sole purpose is to facilitate following chart delineation  personally during meetings. It is not for the collection in any data base of anyone representing SLO Astrologers.
This information is deemed private and is never shared.
2) Respectfulness: All speakers will be given an opportunity to share information pertaining to astrology and will be will be shown courtesy during their talk. Any differences of opinion will be discussedafter the meeting so as to not disrupt the presentation.
3) No Solicitation: Practicing astrologers are asked not to solicit others except by way of providing a flyer describing their services, experience, and fees (to be placed in the center of the conference table). SLO Astrologers does not endorse any astrologer as being qualified to do chart interpretation.
It is the responsibility of the individual seeking such services to investigate
and determine the astrologer's qualifications.