We are a small group of central coast folks who love to talk about astrology! We enjoy learning from each other, hearing personal experiences so that we can understand the meaning of the astrological symbols. We take turns leading presentations, because all of us grow even more when we share what we are learning.
Astrology is a VAST field, NO ONE knows it all, please don't be shy, give us a try!

Upcoming meetings and host

Date............................. Host................Topic/Speakers  

April 20th..............Pam Silva..............Sun & Inner Planets
May 4th.................Diana..................The Progressed Moon
May 18th..............Jackie  Turner....................TBA...............
June 1st..............Mary White..............The Planets & Houses
June 15th............Lucille Bosco...................TBA...................
July 6th................Margaret..........Astrology &Your Health
July 20th.............................?..................................TBA
August 3rd...........................?..................................TBA
August 17th..........................?.................................TBA